Countries<Spain<Comunidad Valenciana<Torres Torres< Baños árabes

Baños árabes(Torres Torres)

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The covered enclosure of the Baths is a rectangular floor plan containing three rectangular rooms, also covered with vaults, arranged in parallel and in a north-south orientation, known as the cold, warm and hot rooms. The entrance to the baths was located in the north. From the vestibule, a semicircular doorway led to the cold room. The cold room is the most austere of the three. The warm room is the largest and widest of the three. It is divided into three parts by two semicircular arches made of bricks, which form two side alcoves raised one step above the central space. The third room is the hot room and has a surface area of about 6.80 m x 2.42 m. It is heated by an underground chamber where hot air is injected.

The floor of the baths is made of fired bricks laid in a herringbone pattern. The interior is lit by skylights. They are star-shaped and truncated pyramid-shaped with a base in the vault's soffit.

The archaeological excavation in 2003 not only provided a more precise dating - 14th century, already in the Christian period - but also documented the structures corresponding to the vestibule or rest room of the baths. The room has a square floor plan, with perimeter walls made of mortar-crusted walling.

Typologically, the Baths of Torres Torres correspond to the model that is repeated throughout the entire historical Arab geography: three rooms with a central room that is one month wide. The star-shaped, pyramid-shaped skylights are stylistically representative of Moorish architecture. The hydraulic system, based particularly on supplying the Sequía Major de Sagunt, could have been complemented by a neighbouring cistern, from which the one that still survives, designed to serve the population, was derived.

Image of Baños árabes