Countries<Spain<Comunidad Valenciana<Navarrés< Ermita del Santísimo Cristo de la Salud

Ermita del Santísimo Cristo de la Salud(Navarrés)

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The chapel was built in the eighteenth century on the initiative and sponsorship of a neighbor of the town called Paula Calatayud. It must have been after this foundation when the dedication to the Santísimo Cristo de la Salud was changed due to a miraculous event, since the original image, probably donated by the Patriarch San Juan de Ribera around 1606, was known as Cristo de la Fe (Christ of Faith).

It was enlarged in 1928 and the works were inaugurated on August 30, 1928. It consists of a single nave with pilasters, semicircular arches and barrel vault in the central nave, over a quiet arch in the sacristy. It has a belfry over the entrance door. The presbytery has an altarpiece of neoclassical style, in whose central niche is housed the prodigious image of the Christ of Health, of great devotion for the Navarrese, and that is made of polychrome wood and dates from 1940.

The building, which is preceded by a wide esplanade with a large cross in its center, is completely painted white and has a gable roof. The facade is simple and clear, topped by a belfry covered with a canopy that houses the bell forged in 1800 and baptized Santa Barbara. On the right side is the annex of the hermit's dwelling, with lateral access and from whose roof the white chimney stands out, and at the head is the semicircular volume of the sacristy, of lesser height and independent roofing. Its only exterior adornment is a ceramic altarpiece with the name of the hermitage and a rectangular glazed window. The door, linteled and of iron and glass, is accessed by wide steps.

From the street of the Christ we arrive at the enclosure of the Via Crucis, whose stations are arranged escorted by cypresses along the ramps that ascend to the wide esplanade of the hermitage, where excellent views are enjoyed.

Image of Ermita del Santísimo Cristo de la Salud