Countries<Spain<Comunidad Valenciana<Chirivella< La Closa

La Closa(Chirivella)

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La Closa is a medieval building located on the corner of Maestro Serrano and Joaquim Orero streets in Xirivella.
The building appears in Roman times for its victory over the Carthaginians. It was given the name Silvilla (small forest). Until a few years ago, Roman remains were preserved in the form of fusillade walls, the remains of water channels and Roman roads. From the 8th to the 13th century, Xirivella came under Muslim domination. With influences in architectural elements, such as the semicircular arch that can still be seen in La Closa. Ramon Muntaner owned a farmhouse in Xirivella, where he wrote his work "La Crónica". The Casa del Dau and the closa, recently restored, remain from the medieval period. With the expulsion of the Moors, Xirivella was almost uninhabited and settlers came from other places. The Carta de Poblamiento document was granted on 17th July 1611, after which the demographic recovery was rapid.

Image of La Closa