Countries<Spain<Comunidad Valenciana<Calles< Acueducto Peña Cortada

Acueducto Peña Cortada(Calles)

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In the municipalities of Tuéjar, Chelva, Calles and Domeño are the remains of a colossal Roman work, the Roman aqueduct of Peña Cortada. This was laid out with different water conduction systems that, from its origin in the Tuéjar river, crosses great topographical obstacles. The length of the remains found is 28.6 kilometers, being its entity comparable to the most relevant Roman aqueducts in Spain: Segovia, Les Ferreres de Tarragona and Los Milagros de Mérida.

Its remains have been mentioned by scholars, travelers and historians, who have formulated different hypotheses about the unknown final destination of its waters. From Pedro Antonio Beuter in his Crónica general de España y especialmente de Valencia (1546-1550), where he alludes to some thick pipes of Chelva; Gaspar Escolano, in Década de la Historia de Valencia (1611), extends Beuter's information, considering that its final destination would be Llíria, although others placed it in Sagunto; Vicente Marés, in La Fénix Troyana (1681), speaks of "the arches of Chelva" that take the water to Sagunto, passing through Villar de Benaduf and the plains of Llíria, which is why some thought that its final destination was the ancient Edeta; José Antonio Cavanilles, in Observaciones del Reino de Valencia (1795), points out that the aqueduct ended before reaching Villar de Benaduf; Alexandre Laborde, in Voyage historique y pittoresque d'Éspagne (1806-1826), does not share the opinion that its destination was Sagunto or Llíria, because each of these cities had its aqueduct and water dams much closer. Juan Agustín Ceán Bermúdez, in Sumario de las antigüedades romanas que hay en España (1832), does not hesitate to affirm that it is an aqueduct built by the Romans to carry water to Llíria. Antonio Chabret, in his work Sagunto. Su historia y sus monumentos (1888), rules out that it was used to supply the Roman city of Saguntum.

Image of  Acueducto Peña Cortada