Countries<Germany<Sachsen<Meißen< Albrechtsburg Meissen

Albrechtsburg Meissen(Meißen)

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In 929, King Heinrich I built a wooden fortification on a rock above the Elbe between the rivers Meisa, Triebisch and Elbe. A castle developed from the military camp, which was named »Misni« after the Meisabach. This made Meissen the center of the border region of the same name in relation to the still Slavic areas in the east. The predecessor of the Albrechtsburg went down in history as the »cradle of Saxony«.

984 The castle was taken by the Bohemian duke Boleslaw II.
1002 Earliest mention of a stone fortification (»Kemenate«). Conquest of the castle by the Polish duke Boleslaw I Chrobry.
1015 Attempted conquest of the castle by Boleslaw Chrobry's son, Duke Mieszko II Lambert of Poland. Thanks to the help of the Meissner women, the Polish attack failed. First mention of beer (honey beer) in Saxony, which was used to extinguish the fire in the castle.

1068 Appointment of a burgrave, who reported directly to the king. It was based where the »Burgkeller« restaurant is today. Thus, three powers (margrave, bishop, burgrave) were resident on the small area of ​​the castle hill.
1089 Enfeoffment of the Wettiner Heinrich I von Eilenburg with the Margraviate of Meissen.
1125 Konrad the Great (1125-1156) is the first Wettiner to be hereditarily enfeoffed with the Margraviate of Meissen.
around 1150 Construction of the so-called double house (»Vordere Kemenate«) on today's castle courtyard in the second half of the 12th century.
around 1200 Extensive destruction at Meissen Castle.
1221Mention of a moated castle at the foot of the castle hill, later also referred to as the lower castle (in the area of ​​today's Theaterplatz).
1423 Frederick the Quarrelsome (1381-1428) is enfeoffed with the Duchy of Saxony-Wittenberg in gratitude for supporting King Sigismund in the fight against the Hussites. Associated with this was the electoral dignity. From now on, the people of Wettin may call themselves »electors«.

A late Gothic castle was built between 1471 and 1524 on behalf of the brothers Ernst and Albrecht von Wettin, who jointly ruled Saxony: Meissen Albrechtsburg Castle. The new residence was to be a representative administrative center and residential palace at the same time. It was now less a defensive structure and more a palace - the first in German architectural history.
As the newly appointed state foreman, Arnold von Westfalen received the order for a spacious new building. Because of the steep slope of the Elbe, the basement had to extend over two floors, followed by the ground floor and three upper floors. In particular, the sophisticated lighting through curtain arched windows and the cell vaults used throughout the palace were an architectural novelty. A masterpiece of staircase construction is the Great Wendelstein, a staircase of curved steps that wind around a filigree spindle. The walls that grow upwards and some technical installations, such as the chimney drafts that are partly routed through the walls, were also innovative in the construction of the palace.
1476 Beginning of work on the vaults of the southern and central buildings.
1482 Foreman Arnold von Westfalen dies. His student Konrad Pfluger continued the work on the palace construction.
1490 Completion of the exterior of the Albrechtsburg with the covering of the last roofs.
1547 Transfer of the University of Leipzig to Meissen during the Schmalkaldic War. Lectures also take place in Meißner Schloss.
1645 The castle was occupied by the troops of the Swedish General von Königsmark during the Thirty Years' War. Destruction of the interior.
1674 Completion of repairs to the palace under Johann Georg II (1656-1680). The castle gets a complete interior.
1676 In veneration for Albrecht the Bold, one of the builders of the castle, Johann Georg II gave the building the name "Albrechtsburg".
However, Meissen Albrechtsburg Castle was never to be used in its intended function, because the brothers divided up Wettin territory while it was still being built. At times, receptions or hunting parties were held here, but the castle was mostly empty. Only August the Strong used the Albrechtsburg actively again in 1710 - as Europe's first porcelain manufactory.
1708 Johann Friedrich Böttger is imprisoned in the Albrechtsburg for a short time. The alleged gold maker is looking for the "philosopher's stone". On the advice of the natural scientist Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus, he begins experiments to fathom the secret of porcelain production.
1707 With the help of Tschirnhaus and Pabst von Ohain, Böttger succeeds in producing European hard porcelain for the first time on January 15, 1708 (in the Jungfernbastei Dresden).
1710 At the behest of Augustus the Strong, the first European porcelain manufactory is set up on June 6, 1710 at the Albrechtsburg. All manufacturing processes take place from the cellar to the floor in the castle. Only the firing of the porcelain was successful

Image of Albrechtsburg Meissen